Search Results | gulf coast campaign

Your search for "gulf coast campaign" returned 21 results

Can You Pass This Naval Battles Quiz?

On land, the perils of war are already high, but when the battles take to the sea, the risks increase substantially as nature becomes a much more domineering force. Take this quiz and see how much you know about these deadly naval battles.

How the American Red Cross Works

After Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States, most of us saw what the Red Cross can do -- and what it cannot do. But the Katrina disaster isn't the first sign of conflict in the ranks of this humanitarian organization. Learn about the functions and history of the American Red Cross.

The Saltwater Underground Railroad Moved Slaves From Florida to Freedom

The Saltwater Underground Railroad was a coastal escape route followed by slaves from the American South into the British-controlled Bahamas.

How Much Do You Know About the Cuban Missile Crisis?

In 1962, a widely publicized crisis overwhelmed the Western world, as Soviet missiles bound for Cuba threatened America's very existence. What do you really know about the incredible escalations of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Birds Migrate Along Ancient Routes and Modern Tech Can Now Track Them

Today, technological advances are providing new insights into bird migration and showing that it is more complex and wonderful than scientists ever imagined.

How Well Do You Know History's Conquerors?

At different points in time, colossal figures of old traversed, battled and conquered the globe. Test your knowledge of history's greats with this HowStuffWorks quiz.

How Greenpeace Works

Greenpeace uses sensational, nonviolent tactics to bring attention to corporations that abuse environmental laws. Learn about the function of Greenpeace.

How Project HOPE Works

Project HOPE is an international health aid organization that has saved millions. Learn more about Project HOPE at HowStuffWorks.

Can You Name the European Country From Three Clues?

We give you just three hints so you can name the right European country. Hint number four is: the countries are all on the European continent. Now, see if that info helps much when you take this super-challenging, super-fun quiz!

5 Most Coveted Offshore Petroleum Reserves

Untapped petroleum reserves dot the globe. Find out where these untapped petroleum reserves still exist and why oil companies covet them heavily.

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